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Why wool? Why handmade?

Nothing beats Nature, nothing beats art!

Natural and Sustainable: Wool grows on sheep or similar animals who require regular shearing. Shearing is a crucial part of caring for these animals and as such there is a fresh supply of wool available every year for the carpet industry making the material 100% natural and fully sustainable.

Robust and Elegant: Wool provides superb performance. It was ‘created and selected’ over millennia to protect animals on the most adverse environmental conditions.Its inherited long-lasting durability; natural crimp, robustness and elasticity offers an innate ‘bounce-back’, significantly reducing effects of pile compression, tracking marks and shading. This is why wool carpets are able to maintain such a good appearance, ageing with grace over decades and lasting for generations.

Comfortable and Cozy: There is nothing more luxurious than the comfort and warmth of a wool carpet. The wool acts as an insulator keeping your house warm, making it an energy efficient investment and a pleasure to have during the cold winter months. Wool will also absorb sound and will cushion the home against echoes and noise from the family.

Hypoallergenic: The minute scales of the wool’s fibres will hold fine dust until it is vacuumed, which will minimise any floating particulate in the atmosphere. The use of a good quality vacuum cleaner will then remove dust and dirt before it can cause irritation. Furthermore, wool is a natural ‘smart’ fibre and can help to create a balanced atmosphere in any home, meaning it also has the ability to absorb humidity in the air and will then release it back when the atmosphere becomes dry.
Resistant and Low maintenance: Wool is a completely natural fibre containing natural oils.

These oils are resistant to dirt and will repel other oil-based soiling. In addition, as wool is an opaque fibre, dirt will be harder to see so your carpet will naturally appear clean. For the most part, all you will need to keep your carpet looking good is regular vacuuming.

Fire Resistant and Inflammable: Wool is naturally fire resistant and has an extremely slow ignition rate. As such, wool carpets are an incredibly safe material to use for carpeting in the home or commercial setting.

Fall Friendly: The natural coil and softness of wool carpets will act as a cushion, preventing any serious injury from falls, whether from young children or older individuals. This is enhanced further when wool carpets are installed over a good quality underlay, a standard in CarpeNautra, which can provide further fall protection amongst other benefits.

ICC believes that rugs are a form of art. Our rugs are exclusive products that have to follow strict standards and need special care, for they are meant to last for generations. Machines and artefacts are widely used on the process, but they cannot replace the care, sensibility and attention to details only a true artisan, with years of training and centuries of tradition, can provide.

That is our quest: to preserve an age old craft and allow artisans to produce masterpieces under the best conditions. Be a part of this story built along five decades and three generations. We live for rugs and our devotion to each detail makes our rugs alive.

Allow yourself this sensorial experience and organic delight that only something built exclusively can provide.